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He­re you can find pic­tures and vi­de­os of our school site, thanks for watching!

Ta­ken di­rect­ly abo­ve the school­hou­se on a slight­ly sun­ny af­ter­noon in No­vem­ber. Im­pres­si­ve are the woo­ded “moun­ta­ins” of the Mär­ki­sche Schweiz and how they sud­den­ly di­s­ap­pear gi­ving way to the the low, flat plains of the Nie­deroder­bruch.

Be­hind the Bis­marck Tower  is Bad Frei­en­wal­de (Oder), in the other di­rec­tion lies Fal­ken­berg (Mark). In the back­ground you can see the Ship Lifts in Nie­der­fi­now. Out of the Bruch the Neu­en­ha­gen Is­land pro­tru­des, to which our neigh­bou­ring coun­try, the won­derful Pol­and, al­re­a­dy con­nects itself.

Ta­ken from over the fire­place loo­king towards Fal­ken­berg (Mark) and the Ship Lifts in Nie­der­fi­now (white on the horizon).

the school­hou­se

pic­tu­re postcard


fire­place cen­ter top

bird’s eye view

1920s — rest home


Our Earth. It spins around its­elf in Uch­ten­ha­gen at a speed of 277 me­ters per se­cond, li­ke a spin­ning top. At the sa­me time it mo­ves on a cir­cular path at 30 ki­lo­me­ters per se­cond around the cen­ter of our so­lar sy­stem, the sun. That is, ho­we­ver, not all: our so­lar sy­stem is whiz­zing around the cent­re of the Mil­ky Way, our ga­la­xy, on an­o­ther cir­cular path. It does this at a speed of 220 ki­lo­me­ters per se­cond. Our ga­la­xy, in turn, spins in a cir­cular or­bit around the Shap­ley Su­per­clu­ster, a clu­ster of se­ve­ral ga­la­xies. The speed of this ro­ta­ti­on is 630 ki­lo­me­ters per second.

Our earth is the­r­e­fo­re, bes­i­des ma­ny other things, al­so a won­derful space­ship. This is exact­ly what this pic­tu­re is meant to re­pre­sent. It al­so makes every se­cond, every mo­ment, uni­que, be­cau­se our earth is in fact never in the sa­me place twice.

Ter­rain pro­fi­le (par­cel 181)

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